
items list not rendered correctly to HTML

Closed this issue · 2 comments

When converting Markdown to HTML, lists are not properly rendered the sub-items under each main item

The nested sub-items should appear inside the respective parent <ul> tags, maintaining the correct list hierarchy.

import markdown

markdown_text = """
- **Visual Narration**: Description here
- **Story Arcs and Pacing**:
  - Sub-item 1
  - Sub-item 2"""

# Convert Markdown to HTML
html_output = markdown.markdown(markdown_text, extensions=['extra'], output_format="html")

# Print the HTML result

Expected :


Actual :


How i can solve this problem please?

If you want to have nested lists, they need to be indented 4 spaces (or 1 tab). You can read further about this here and how to change if you feel so inclined:

import markdown

print(f'Markdown Version: {markdown.__version__}')

MD = """
-   **Visual Narration**: Description here
-   **Story Arcs and Pacing**:
    -   Sub-item 1
    -   Sub-item 2

extensions = ["extra"]
extension_configs = {}

print(markdown.markdown(MD, extensions=extensions, extension_configs=extension_configs))


Markdown Version: 3.7
<li><strong>Visual Narration</strong>: Description here</li>
<li><strong>Story Arcs and Pacing</strong>:<ul>
<li>Sub-item 1</li>
<li>Sub-item 2</li>