
index error boolean series

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i have a error in line : >= start_time
df =df.loc[mask] #?????

after bigger from 1000 and lower 500 record fetch .

IndexingError: Unalignable boolean Series provided as indexer (index of the boolean Series and of the indexed object do not match).

thank you very much for reply me .

It looks like you're trying to assign a boolean value (True or False) as an index to your DataFrame.

If you're trying to filter your data use --> df[ >= start_time]

thank you very much for reply but i solve it problem previous. i can not arrive to position buy/sell with your strategy percent ETH and BTC . thank you very much .god willing

Are you using the code as is, or have you modified it?
you can try entering in a print statement under the condition where it checks for a 5% move to see if it is related to the order execution