
Create a page for exemptions and deductions calculations

Opened this issue · 5 comments

New tax is calculated on annual income without taking care of deductions while old tax is calculated on annual income - deductions. you can verify here :
but we are calculating new as well as old tax on annual income - deduction, which is wrong way. Here is the ss of our code:
wrong method
you can see that 'ta' in our code is difference between annual income and deductions and we are calculating old as well as new tax on the basis of ta.
Pls assign me this issue under LGM-SoC. I can solve that

@Lovishk022 their are still few exemptions in the new scheme.

What are the exemptions and deductions available under the new regime?

You can claim tax exemption for:
Transport allowances in case of a specially-abled person.
Conveyance allowance received to meet the conveyance expenditure incurred as part of the employment.
Any compensation received to meet the cost of travel on tour or transfer.
Daily allowance received to meet the ordinary regular charges or expenditure you incur on account of absence from his regular place of tax regime.

You can still create a new page to calculate exemptions and deductions.

Create a button on the last page to calculate exemptions, upon clicking which user is redirected to another page to calculate exemptions for both new and old tax regimes.

Create a table of exemptions which user has to enter, and for the allowances which are not acceptable in new regime user should not be able to edit that field.
On clicking calculate it should return the sum of all entries in the table.

And then redirect the user back to the calculation page.

@Lovishk022 any updates?

@QAZIMAAZARSHAD Working on that, need some more time, exams are going on.

@Lovishk022 any updates?