
Question: Missing example for Struct

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I can't work out how to mock structs. I want to use the cairoD library, and want to mock their main struct (Context), so I can add tests without actually having to draw anything.

I am able to get a MockedStruct!Context, but do not understand how to then pass it to the next function. Resulting in the following error: Error: function plotd.drawing.funcToTest (Context cnt) is not callable using argument types (MockedStruct!(Context))

void funcToTest(cairo.Context cnt)

    import dmocks.mocks;
    auto mocker = new Mocker();

    auto axes_surface = new cairo.ImageSurface(
            cairo.Format.CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, 400, 400);

    //auto axes_context = cairo.Context( axes_surface );
    auto mock = mocker.mockStruct!(cairo.Context, cairo.ImageSurface )(
            axes_surface ); 

    mocker.expect(mock.fill()).repeat( 1 );

I posted to early. Found out that I need to create template functions in your README.

Closing, sorry for the noise!