
Running your tests

  • Upload your Native App (.apk file) to BrowserStack servers using upload API:

    curl -u "username:accesskey" -X POST "" -F "file=@/path/to/app/file/Application-debug.apk"
  • If you do not have an .apk file and looking to simply try App Automate, you can download our sample app and upload to the BrowserStack servers using the above API.

  • Update the desired capability "app" with the App URL returned from the above API call

  • To run a single test, run mvn test -P single

  • To run parallel tests, run mvn test -P parallel

  • To run local tests, run mvn test -P local


  • You can view your test results on the BrowserStack Automate dashboard

  • Refer Get Started document to configure the capabilities

  • You can export the environment variables for the Username and Access Key of your BrowserStack account

    export BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME=<browserstack-username> &&
    export BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY=<browserstack-access-key>

Additional Resources