
new interface for querying tnx details via tags flag

Closed this issue · 9 comments

It is an enhancement for current querying process for the detailed Tnx, this feature is initiated from Frontend user with receipt.
Currently, this part is resolved from block data via Qmoon. We think there is some trade-off here.
New interface should be designed here to query Tnx with tags from cosmos networks.

To be concluded in the dev-cosmosv35.0 branch at first, it will be merged into master if testing is all ready!

This feature should be included in both right master branch as well as the latest cosmosv0.35.0 before it is finalized with detailed upgrade arrangement.
So the development on it could be on parallel process.

Step into the integration of the query txs as below interpretation:

[vagrant@vagrant-192-168-168-184 ~]$ ./gaiacli query txs -h
Search for transactions that match the exact given tags where results are paginated.

$ gaiacli query txs --tags '<tag1>:<value1>&<tag2>:<value2>' --page 1 --limit 30

  gaiacli query txs [flags]

  -h, --help           help for txs
      --limit uint32   Query number of transactions results per page returned (default 30)
  -n, --node string    Node to connect to (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
      --page uint32    Query a specific page of paginated results (default 1)
      --tags string    tag:value list of tags that must match
      --trust-node     Trust connected full node (don't verify proofs for responses)

Global Flags:
      --chain-id string   Chain ID of tendermint node
  -e, --encoding string   Binary encoding (hex|b64|btc) (default "hex")
      --home string       directory for config and data (default "/home/vagrant/.gaiacli")
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --trace             print out full stack trace on errors

Thanks for Kuan`s support on the 'tags' listing.

Input example from SDK test case:

func TestQueryTxsWithTags(t *testing.T) {
	usr, _ := user.Current()
	rootDir := usr.HomeDir
	node := "tcp://"
	chainId := "cosmoshub-2"
	addr := "cosmos1ktecz4dr56j9tsfh7nwg8s9suvhfu70qpzrfcr"
	page := 1
	limit := 30
	out := QueryTxsWithTags(rootDir, node, chainId, addr, page, limit)

with the result output as below:

            "height": "198147",
            "txhash": "EB418AB7406E6D4C18F740B429471A52A3D4F1818CE45E3F2EFAD15DF572918C",
            "raw_log": "[{\"msg_index\":\"0\",\"success\":true,\"log\":\"\"}]",
            "logs": [
                "msg_index": "0",
                "success": true,
                "log": ""
            "gas_wanted": "200000",
            "gas_used": "83188",
            "tags": [
                "key": "action",
                "value": "delegate"
                "key": "delegator",
                "value": "cosmos1ktecz4dr56j9tsfh7nwg8s9suvhfu70qpzrfcr"
                "key": "destination-validator",
                "value": "cosmosvaloper1ff0dw8kawsnxkrgj7p65kvw7jxxakyf8n583gx"
            "tx": {
              "type": "auth/StdTx",
              "value": {
                "msg": [
                    "type": "cosmos-sdk/MsgDelegate",
                    "value": {
                      "delegator_address": "cosmos1ktecz4dr56j9tsfh7nwg8s9suvhfu70qpzrfcr",
                      "validator_address": "cosmosvaloper1ff0dw8kawsnxkrgj7p65kvw7jxxakyf8n583gx",
                      "amount": {
                        "denom": "uatom",
                        "amount": "4999300"
                "fee": {
                  "amount": [
                      "denom": "uatom",
                      "amount": "700"
                  "gas": "200000"
                "signatures": [
                    "pub_key": {
                      "type": "tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1",
                      "value": "Av1RR+7+fni/phJEblAsmEDLPWHiAhjfLparIFW24j+z"
                    "signature": "DkDKfuxTJbY0RUVSsrqrD3bZIbdFNjsLRm609lfcheM1pb25o7clK31g3YjhVnr06DcV/OnX3HKKUhJzoHVXIQ=="
                "memo": ""
            "timestamp": "2019-05-08T10:05:07Z"
            "height": "194995",
            "txhash": "41B6A57012C1743DAE54B05A5CBB9A2BB43678DB66C986BA5E34C8B2A1CEA025",
            "raw_log": "[{\"msg_index\":\"0\",\"success\":true,\"log\":\"\"}]",
            "logs": [
                "msg_index": "0",
                "success": true,
                "log": ""
            "gas_wanted": "100000",
            "gas_used": "29538",
            "tags": [
                "key": "action",
                "value": "send"
                "key": "sender",
                "value": "cosmos1nynns8ex9fq6sjjfj8k79ymkdz4sqth06xexae"
                "key": "recipient",
                "value": "cosmos1ktecz4dr56j9tsfh7nwg8s9suvhfu70qpzrfcr"
            "tx": {
              "type": "auth/StdTx",
              "value": {
                "msg": [
                    "type": "cosmos-sdk/MsgSend",
                    "value": {
                      "from_address": "cosmos1nynns8ex9fq6sjjfj8k79ymkdz4sqth06xexae",
                      "to_address": "cosmos1ktecz4dr56j9tsfh7nwg8s9suvhfu70qpzrfcr",
                      "amount": [
                          "denom": "uatom",
                          "amount": "5000000"
                "fee": {
                  "amount": [
                      "denom": "uatom",
                      "amount": "1"
                  "gas": "100000"
                "signatures": [
                    "pub_key": {
                      "type": "tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1",
                      "value": "A4Zl/vjM3DezZ+kOzomchon6QiX8OPLuP2CmN/ndlsR6"
                    "signature": "9ddSLnj8WPOGKzfMzOWIHJAZgwnDR9daqTIx6mvFgQdD1AqiDRwm5oSBrMDPwK50AmKcCTNVkFtYd21kK324xA=="
                "memo": ""
            "timestamp": "2019-05-08T04:05:13Z"

Hi, the result is currently in disorder, can you arrange them in reverse chronological order?

Low priority

closed with low priority.
PS: this code is included in master branch, however not in the branch dev_cosmosv37 and later branch rebased on it.