
Network simulation

Opened this issue · 2 comments

At some point we are going to want to simulate the network we build. There are currently two quantum internet simulators that I know of:

  1. Simulaqron

  2. The new simulator introduced here.

If I remember correctly, I have used Simulaqron for some light simulations.
I haven't looked at the second simulator in details yet, but it definitely seems like it's worth a look.

May be someone could create a "Simulation" folder in the root folder and experiment with both/either of these simulators?

What exactly would the end goal of simulation be?

The input to the simulation will include 1) experimentally determined parameters of the hardware, like photon detector efficiency, memory coherence time, etc, and 2) a specific protocol stack --- which is the main thing that this repository was started to research.

So basically we set up a simulation of a network whose hardware is modeled after the hardware we actually have in the real world. Then we program it to follow our protocol stack (the protocols in the transport layer, the link layer, and the network layer). Then we ask it to perform a task like BB84 Key exchange and measure its performance in terms of key rate, for example.