
Potential bug with scopus importer

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Note that I haven't done much digging to find out why but I saw that error:

Error: Scopus responded with error condition for EPrint ID 1070: ERROR, Unable to translate query provided, Request URL: http://searchapi.scopus.com/documentSearch.url?format=XML&apiKey=&search=title(%22The+20%25+solution%3A+a+case+study+on+the+efficacy+of+reverse+auctions%22)+and+authlastname(Stein)+and+pubyear+is+2003

Could this be the escaped (%xy) characters in the title?

original pub title is : "The 20% solution?: a case study on the efficacy of reverse auctions"

I've seen this too and I've done some testing - the Scopus query parser doesn't seem to be able to handle the percent symbol even when it's percent-encoded properly (i.e., '%25'). I've reported it to Scopus. Replacing the percent symbol with a space seems a satisfactory workaround, it still matches in the cases I've tested.

I'm testing a couple of small refinements to the Scopus metadata querystring creation to avoid errors and get matches with percent symbols, question marks, and ligatures. I'll commit these ASAP.

I've merged the 'refactor' branch to master, branched to make these refinements. See 69d9703 and e6ca976

Fixed by 69d9703

Tested that same item, no errors reported, nice :-)