
REQ: add option to remove hud_(team)frags_style indicator and hud_gameclock colon

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Two requests in one.
Add hud_gameclock_colon 0/1
Add hud_(team)frags_style 9 (to remove brackets/arrow/rectangle)

A choice for a cleaner look.
Also, this can help to avoid OLED burn-in.

Frags element of the player/team is always the one on top. There is no confusion.
Hud_frags_cell_width 0 (for 1on1) removes the indicator but not hud_teamfrags.

FYI hud_frags_style 3 already exists which will hide any indicators

It doesn't do anything in mine.
Info text says "similar to 0".
If hud_teamfrags_cell_width 0 would work then there would be no need for a new style.

are you sure you're using the latest build? See: https://github.com/QW-Group/ezquake-source/pull/895

from hud_frags.c:351

switch (style) {
	case 1:
		Draw_SCharacterP(x - FontCharacterWidth(13, scale, proportional) * 0.5f, posy, 13, scale, proportional);
	case 2:
		// Red outline.
		Draw_Fill(x, y - 1, width, 1, 0x4f);
		Draw_Fill(x, y - 1, 1, height + 2, 0x4f);
		Draw_Fill(x + width - 1, y - 1, 1, height + 2, 0x4f);
		Draw_Fill(x, y + height, width, 1, 0x4f);
	case 3:
		// Draw nothing
	case 0:
		Draw_SCharacterP(x - 2 - 2 * d, brack_posy, 16, scale, proportional); // [
		Draw_SCharacterP(x + width - 8 + 1 + d, brack_posy, 17, scale, proportional); // ]

I had the stable release, I just downloaded the latest and works.
Didn't know this was added two months ago. Thanks!

So now there is only hud_gameclock_colon to be added if possible, please.

Also, the golden brackets are not properly aligned to the sides. I don't know if this can be fixed with code or is due to the charset position.
The red rectangle is to the sides but goes off up/bottom. Maybe because it doesn't fit but at least looks good.
You can see this with the hud_editor green box that limits elements.
