
No audio when starting the VM

m4tt72 opened this issue · 1 comments

I am running on Manjaro (I also had this issue on an Arch install). I had this issue where whenever I start a using the single GPU passthrough, I get no sound. I did some investigation and I noticed that whenever display-manager service is stopped, the current logged in user get signed out (not sure if this is expected?), thus pipewire is also stopped with display-manager.

I added the following commands in this hook script /etc/libvirt/hooks/qemu.d/$VM/started/begin/ and everything seems to be working fine after !?

set -ex

# restart pipewire services
systemctl --user -M user@ start wireplumber.service pipewire.socket pipewire.service

I am wondering if I'm doing something wrong or this is expected?

I solved this inconsistency by running the virsh start VM from a tty session to not get logged out when the display-manager is killed.