
SyterKit is a baremetal framework designed for TinyVision

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


SyterKit is a bare-metal framework designed for development boards like TinyVision or other chips such as v851se/v851s/v851s3/v853. SyterKit utilizes CMake as its build system and supports various applications and peripheral drivers. Additionally, SyterKit also has bootloader functionality, which enables it to replace U-Boot for fast booting (standard Linux 6.7 mainline boot time of 1.02s, significantly faster than traditional U-Boot's 3s boot time).


Name Function Path
hello world Minimal program example, prints Hello World app/hello_world
init dram Initializes the serial port and DRAM app/init_dram
read chip efuse Reads chip efuse information app/read_chip_efuse
read chipsid Reads the unique ID of the chip app/read_chipsid
load e907 Reads the e907 core firmware, starts the e907 core, and uses V851s as a large RISC-V microcontroller (E907 @ 600 MHz with 64MB memory) app/load_e907
syter boot Bootstrapping function that replaces U-Boot, enabling fast system startup for Linux app/syter_boot
syter amp Reads the e907 core firmware, starts the e907 core, loads the kernel, and runs Linux simultaneously on both e907 and a7 systems, which are heterogeneously integrated app/syter_amp
fdt parser Reads the DTB and Parser Print out app/fdt_parser
fdt cli Reads the DTB with a CLI support uboot fdt command app/fdt_cli
syter bootargs Bootstrapping function that replaces U-Boot, enabling fast system startup for Linux, Within a CLI to change bootargs app/syter_bootargs
cli test Test baisc CLI function app/cli_test

Getting Started

Building SyterKit From Scratch

Building SyterKit is a straightforward process that only requires setting up the environment for compilation on a Linux operating system. The software packages required by SyterKit include:

  • gcc-arm-none-eabi
  • CMake

For commonly used Ubuntu systems, they can be installed using the following command:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi cmake build-essential -y

Then create a folder to store the compiled output files and navigate to it:

mkdir build
cd build

Finally, run the following commands to compile SyterKit:

cmake ..

The compiled executable files will be located in build/app.


The SyterKit project will compile two versions: firmware ending with .elf is for USB booting and requires bootloading by PC-side software, while firmware ending with .bin is for flashing and can be written into storage devices such as TF cards and SPI NAND.

  • For SD Card, You need to flash the xxx_card.bin
  • For SPI NAND/SPI NOR, You need to flash the xxx_spi.bin

Creating TF Card Boot Firmware

After build the firmware, you can flash it into the TF card. For the V851s platform, you can write it to either an 8K offset or a 128K offset. Generally, if the TF card uses MBR format, write it with an 8K offset. If it uses GPT format, write it with a 128K offset. Assuming /dev/sdb is the target TF card, you can use the following command to write it with an 8K offset:

sudo dd if=syter_boot_bin_card.bin of=/dev/sdb bs=1024 seek=8

If it is a GPT partition table, you need to write it with a 128K offset:

sudo dd if=syter_boot_bin_card.bin of=/dev/sdb bs=1024 seek=128

Creating the Firmware for SPI NAND

For SPI NAND, we need to create the firmware for SPI NAND by writing SyterKit to the corresponding positions:

dd if=syter_boot_bin_spi.bin of=spi.img bs=2k
dd if=syter_boot_bin_spi.bin of=spi.img bs=2k seek=32
dd if=syter_boot_bin_spi.bin of=spi.img bs=2k seek=64

You can also include the Linux kernel and device tree in the firmware:

dd if=sunxi.dtb of=spi.img bs=2k seek=128     # DTB on page 128
dd if=zImage of=spi.img bs=2k seek=256        # Kernel on page 256

Use the xfel tool to flash the created firmware into SPI NAND:

xfel spinand write 0x0 spi.img

Creating the Firmware for SPI NOR

For SPI NOR, we need to create the firmware for SPI NOR by writing SyterKit to the corresponding positions:

dd if=syter_boot_bin_spi.bin of=spi.img bs=2k
dd if=syter_boot_bin_spi.bin of=spi.img bs=2k seek=32
dd if=syter_boot_bin_spi.bin of=spi.img bs=2k seek=64

You can also include the Linux kernel and device tree in the firmware:

dd if=sunxi.dtb of=spi.img bs=2k seek=128     # DTB on page 128
dd if=zImage of=spi.img bs=2k seek=256        # Kernel on page 256

Use the xfel tool to flash the created firmware into SPI NOR:

xfel spinor write 0x0 spi.img


SyterKit 是一个纯裸机框架,用于 TinyVision 或者其他 v851se/v851s/v851s3/v853 等芯片的开发板,SyterKit 使用 CMake 作为构建系统构建,支持多种应用与多种外设驱动。同时 SyterKit 也具有启动引导的功能,可以替代 U-Boot 实现快速启动(标准 Linux6.7 主线启动时间 1.02s,相较于传统 U-Boot 启动快 3s)。


名称 功能 路径
hello world 最小程序示例,打印 Hello World app/hello_world
init dram 初始化串行端口和 DRAM app/init_dram
read chip efuse 读取芯片 efuse 信息 app/read_chip_efuse
read chipsid 读取芯片的唯一 ID app/read_chipsid
load e907 读取 e907 核心固件,启动 e907 核心,并使用 V851s 作为大型 RISC-V 微控制器(E907 @ 600 MHz,64MB 内存) app/load_e907
syter boot 替代 U-Boot 的引导函数,为 Linux 启用快速系统启动 app/syter_boot
syter amp 读取 e907 核心固件,启动 e907 核心,加载内核,并在 e907 和 a7 系统上同时运行 Linux,系统是异构集成运行的 app/syter_amp
fdt parser 读取设备树二进制文件并解析打印输出 app/fdt_parser
fdt cli 使用支持 uboot fdt 命令的 CLI 读取设备树二进制文件 app/fdt_cli
syter bootargs 替代 U-Boot 引导,为 Linux 启用快速系统启动,支持在 CLI 中更改启动参数 app/syter_bootargs
cli test 测试基本 CLI 功能 app/cli_test


从零构建 SyterKit

构建 SyterKit 非常简单,只需要在 Linux 操作系统中安装配置环境即可编译。SyterKit 需要的软件包有:

  • gcc-arm-none-eabi
  • CMake

对于常用的 Ubuntu 系统,可以通过如下命令安装

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi cmake build-essential -y


mkdir build
cd build

然后运行命令编译 SyterKit

cmake ..

编译后的可执行文件位于 build/app


同一个项目工程 SyterKit 会编译两个版本,elf 结尾的固件为 USB 引导固件,需要电脑上位软件进行引导加载,bin 结尾的固件为刷写固件,可以刷入 TF 卡,SPI NAND 等储存器。

  • 对于 SD 卡,你需要刷写 xxx_card.bin 文件。
  • 对于 SPI NAND/SPI NOR,你需要刷写 xxx_spi.bin 文件。

制作 TF 卡启动固件

固件可以刷入TF卡内使用,对于 V851s 平台,可以将其写入 8K 偏移位或者 128K 偏移位。一般来说如果TF卡使用的是 MBR 格式,写 8K 偏移,如果是 GPT 格式,写128K 偏移。这里假设 /dev/sdb 是目标 TF 卡。写入 8K 偏移位

sudo dd if=syter_boot_bin_card.bin of=/dev/sdb bs=1024 seek=8

如果是 GPT 分区表,需要写入 128K 偏移量

sudo dd if=syter_boot_bin_card.bin of=/dev/sdb bs=1024 seek=128

制作 SPI NAND 启动固件

制作 SPI NAND 的固件,需要将 SyterKit 写入对应位置制作固件

dd if=syter_boot_bin_spi.bin of=spi.img bs=2k
dd if=syter_boot_bin_spi.bin of=spi.img bs=2k seek=32
dd if=syter_boot_bin_spi.bin of=spi.img bs=2k seek=64

同时也可以把 Linux 内核与设备树一同写入固件中

dd if=sunxi.dtb of=spi.img bs=2k seek=128     # DTB on page 128
dd if=zImage of=spi.img bs=2k seek=256        # Kernel on page 256

制作完成的固件可以使用 xfel 工具刷入 SPI NAND

xfel spinand write 0x0 spi.img

制作 SPI NOR 启动固件

制作 SPI NOR 的固件,需要将 SyterKit 写入对应位置制作固件

dd if=syter_boot_bin_spi.bin of=spi.img bs=2k
dd if=syter_boot_bin_spi.bin of=spi.img bs=2k seek=32
dd if=syter_boot_bin_spi.bin of=spi.img bs=2k seek=64

同时也可以把 Linux 内核与设备树一同写入固件中

dd if=sunxi.dtb of=spi.img bs=2k seek=128     # DTB on page 128
dd if=zImage of=spi.img bs=2k seek=256        # Kernel on page 256

制作完成的固件可以使用 xfel 工具刷入 SPI NOR

xfel spinor write 0x0 spi.img