Tools for building and solving models of quantum systems in Qiskit
- 2
Memory leaks in DynamicsBackend.run
#358 opened by xyzdxf - 0
`DynamicsBackend.from_backend` doesn't work with subsystem measurements for backends with a qubit count greater than `32`
#357 opened by NotJustSid - 1
Ignore unknown options in `DynamicsBackend.run()`
#356 opened by donsano33 - 3
About jupyter notebook tutorial
#218 opened by NeoFantom - 10
Parameter dependent simulation for optimal bayesian experimentation - JAX @jit compatibility
#243 opened by abailly-at-anl - 1
Drop Python 3.8
#279 opened by DanPuzzuoli - 1
Add support for Python 3.12
#321 opened by DanPuzzuoli - 0
- 1
DynamicsBackend.from_backend throws a ValueError when given a float rwa_cutoff_freq parameter
#309 opened by donsano33 - 1
- 3
Add explicit interface to DynamicsBackend for just returning results of ODE simulation
#288 opened by DanPuzzuoli - 0
Upgrades for `DynamicsBackend.from_backend`
#298 opened by rupeshknn - 1
Fix PyxImporter.find_spec() warning in tests
#278 opened by DanPuzzuoli - 3
- 0
Migrate to PyPI Trusted publishers
#267 opened by 1ucian0 - 0
Update docs to use latest qiskit style
#244 opened by DanPuzzuoli - 1
Make relationship between signals and hamiltonian_operators explicit in tutorial.
#274 opened by hodgestar - 2
JOSS authorship list
#275 opened by hodgestar - 0
Update qiskit-experiments integration test in light of deprecation warning
#270 opened by DanPuzzuoli - 0
- 5
Backend.parse_backend_hamiltonian_dict() seems to include extra terms than subsystem_list
#254 opened by KateYangzy - 6
DynamicsBackend.form_backend fails using backendV2
#236 opened by to24toro - 3
- 5
Transpile problem using DynamicsBackend code
#235 opened by BeomGyuChoii - 0
- 0
Add warning about sampling rate when using `ShiftFrequency` and `SetFrequency` in pulse schedules
#241 opened by DanPuzzuoli - 0
The probability solved in Dynamicsbackend exceeds 1.
#237 opened by to24toro - 2
Running FineDrag experiment from Qiskit Experiments with a dynamic backend with JAX results in a faulty datapoint (that's almost zero)
#240 opened by jaeunkim - 2
jax_odeint seems to not do any evolution when the amp at the first "dt" is 0.
#238 opened by ArbitRandomUser - 0
Incompatibility with jax 0.4.11
#231 opened by wshanks - 0
sympy missing from dependencies
#230 opened by wshanks - 0
Max step size handling in DynamicsBackend
#225 opened by DanPuzzuoli - 1
Please link to https://qiskit.org/ecosystem/dynamics/ in GitHub's About section
#223 opened by Eric-Arellano - 2
- 0
- 0
Add tutorial for DynamicsBackend
#192 opened by DanPuzzuoli - 0
- 2
Solver.solve auto-jitting behaviour for pulse schedules breaks when JAX transformations are called from outside
#175 opened by DanPuzzuoli - 0
Add channel methods to PulseSimulator
#144 opened by DanPuzzuoli - 2
Case in which DynamicsBackend.run hangs
#185 opened by DanPuzzuoli - 0
Perturbative solvers should raise an error if inputs have incompatible shapes
#160 opened by DanPuzzuoli - 0
Add 3.11 support
#169 opened by DanPuzzuoli - 0
- 0
solve_lmde_perturbation returned data structure description is out of date
#174 opened by DanPuzzuoli - 1
Add meas_level==1 option to PulseSimulator
#143 opened by DanPuzzuoli - 0
numpy 1.24 breaks some tests
#171 opened by DanPuzzuoli - 12
- 1
- 1
nan now being returned in how-to-use JAX user guide in gradient computation on main
#147 opened by DanPuzzuoli - 1
Signal class handling of constant envelope broken on stable/0.3 with latest jax version
#148 opened by DanPuzzuoli