qiskit.providers.basicaer needs better module level docs
Closed this issue · 9 comments
What is the expected enhancement?
Module level docs need more examples on actual uasage
Update for gosts_of_github_past
this issue is still valid as more detailed examples on actual uasage in qiskit.providers.basicaer
is required. The corresponding file is _init_.pyfile
Can someone please elaborate on what kind of documentation is required
Hi @shivalee12 apologies for the slow response, things are hectic at the start of the year! I think this is the page that needs some more documentation: https://qiskit.org/documentation/apidoc/providers_basicaer.html?highlight=basicaer
There is currently just one small explanation about what the BasicAer
module does, it would be good to flesh this out a bit more. For comparison, other module level docstrings have much more detail, like this: https://qiskit.org/documentation/apidoc/circuit.html
Perhaps @nonhermitian or @jakelishman might have some specific suggestions for what's missing from the BasicAer
The main thing missing is a simple example of how to use the simulator objects offered by BasicAer
. It can probably just be as simple as showing how to submit a simple circuit, and retrieve the measurement counts, final statevector and final unitary matrix as appropriate (I'm not actually sure BasicAer can do anything more than that, and even that's a struggle).
It would also be good to loudly trumpet that BasicAer
is not generally suitable for any serious simulation workload, and to point people towards the full implementation of Aer
Please assign this to me. I am new to quantum computing and this would be my first issue. I have recently completed a course on quantum computing and am comfortable with python.
@ss3398 Thanks for volunteering to help! If you are not sure about how to get started, don't hesitate to reach out.
Cool. I am just waiting to hear from my employer that they have no objections to my working on an open source project (sorry, I should have checked this before).
My employer has approved. So I will work on this now.
This bug does not apply to currently supported versions of Qiskit. Please submit a new issue if the bug still occurs in Qiskit 1.
See https://docs.quantum.ibm.com/migration-guides/qiskit-1.0-features#providers.basicaer