- 6
Please provide esm version
#184 opened by gliheng - 6
- 1
Update documentation
#123 opened by Qix- - 2
Heads-up: possible future change to WCAG "relative luminance" calculation
#149 opened by patrickhlauke - 1
support set contrast with ratio
#168 opened by gasolin - 1
- 15
Rounding errors with Color.hsl().string()
#127 opened by s2tephen - 3
- 1
Contribution proposal 😇
#159 opened by robertrossmann - 1
[Feature request] Accessibility functions
#187 opened by Dallas62 - 19
hex ignores alpha
#125 opened by schulzp - 6
alpha precision
#174 opened by ferllings - 1
Unable to parse color from string: 00ff00
#180 opened by weaver - 3
How do I invert colors?
#162 opened by hendrul - 3
Logic behind converting between models
#183 opened by isa3bel - 1
Does this color library allow to get the LAB values?
#182 opened by isa3bel - 6
Including color in a typescript file
#139 opened by dingo-d - 3
wcag contrast should take alpha into account
#178 opened by Kilian - 1
- 1
Remove Freeze
#175 opened by ferllings - 2
Get luminosity info from array of color
#171 opened by florentsorel - 6
color.whiten() not working
#166 opened by ageofabenius - 5
[Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeError: (intermediate value).toCSS is not a function"
#170 opened by woniuComing - 1
Hosted API
#169 opened by chrisvxd - 6
Color is causing issue to all my documentation
#163 opened by kopax - 2
- 5
Does this package work in Angular 7?
#160 opened by nithincn89 - 6
Avoid overwriting Color.prototype with a plain object
#143 opened by btpoe - 3
Lighten doesn't work on black color
#150 opened by mk0y - 2
Create a new hexa color mixing hexa and opacity
#145 opened by mdiegoku - 5
[Bug] linear-gradient cannot be parsed.
#155 opened by kopax - 2
[Request for insight] result of layered colors
#154 opened by haxxxton - 3
Get the value for an individual channel (HSL)
#153 opened by veronQ - 3
- 1
Propose Logo
#146 opened by mirzazulfan - 4
Empty Color constructor returns black value
#124 opened by sammdec - 4
Browser support?
#111 opened by JestDotty - 3
check if string is color
#140 opened by KostblLb - 1
Add ChangeLog
#138 opened by ai - 7
Missing changelog
#132 opened by matej-marcisovsky - 3
RGBA breaks light/dark/luminosity
#136 opened by afrankel-sfdo - 1
lighten a moderate color leads to white
#135 opened by ppaul - 1
Wrong function name in README for saturationl
#129 opened by sapkra - 1
- 3
Color conversion returns only "RGB"
#121 opened by rafa-acioly - 1
Interpolation color space
#119 opened by demurgos - 4
- 3
feature suggestion: linear interpolation
#115 opened by jslz - 2
Colors not showing up for gradle output
#113 opened by kuhu19 - 1
Explain getset function
#110 opened by kiru