Waiting for WinRM to become available.. Timeout error
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I have been struggling with using Packer to install the base OS on Oracle VM.
The instructions I followed are:
- Install Packer, Vagrant, Oracle VB
-I opened Autounattend.xml file but left the Key filed commented because I am using a trial ISO - Downloaded a Windows 2016 server .iso file (14393.0.161119-1705.RS1_REFRESH_SERVER_EVAL_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO) and placed it in C:\QMI\qlik-base-os\iso
- I ran a checksum (using MD5 Checksum Tool) against the above .iso file
- Edited the win2k16.json file to include the new iso_url and checksum and saved the file
- Browsed to /qlik-base-os using Powershell and entered Packer build win2k16.json
Packer starts to build the box but eventually gets stuck on "virtualbox-iso: Waiting for WinRM to become available.." and eventually gets timed out.
I have attached an image of the Packer output.
Has anyone come across this before?
Have I missed a vital step in the Packer setup process?
I have the same problem... did you find any solution?
I did.
In Win2k16.json, edit the headless field to say "False" so the VM launches and you can see errors.
In Autounattend.xml, the following command was commented:
cmd.exe /c C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -File a:\enable-winrm.ps1
Enable WinRM
So you need to uncomment it and add it to the end of the Sync commands and make sure the order is correct.