
Error with large filesize

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Image of error

link to savefile

Seems to be a memory issue :) Hope you can fix it!

Qowyn commented

If you managed to get that with version 0.0.4 you probably deserve a prize. Going to take a look tomorrow.

0.0.4 indeed :) save game is about 350mb

Should point out that trying it with our test server save (the center and 52mb) it works perfect

Qowyn commented

Ignoring the strange property names used by some mod (Example: CustomColours_60_7D3267C846B277953C0C41AEBD54FBCB), this save is just huge. Over 1,000,000 Objects :D Memory requirements can currently be somewhat high, will fix this later by reading files in a streaming way.

In the meantime launching with java -jar ark-tools.jar -Xmx 2G should fix the error, causing java to consume up to 2GB RAM while the program is running. Which might be a problem, considering java 8 uses either 1GB RAM or 1/4 of your total RAM by default.

Will test that ASAP tomorrow thank you :)

I presume I am just using it wrong but -


Doesn't work

Qowyn commented

I just failed multiple times. Correct command:
java -Xmx2G -jar ark-tools.jar
So i posted wrong order of options and there can be no space between -Xmx and 2G



telling me not enough space but i have 16gb RAM, and tons of HDD space left :/

installed 64bit java and boom, worked.

Thank you!