National Weather Service Alerts
Opened this issue · 2 comments
The OpenWeather free API supports weather alerts, would it be a major undertaking to add an option to display any/all current weather alerts for your city? I'm not saying to display the text of the alert because those can be quite long, the nature of the alert would suffice such as "SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH". Also why remove the BTC feature from version 3.0, was there a specific reason?
Bitcoin was removed after upgrading to use the latest ESP8266 core 3.0.2 -- the calls to bitcoin were causing it to lock up. I don't use it and have really only had very little feedback on it.
As for the Alerts, would need to look into it.
Instead of Coindesk for the bitcoin feed. Try CoinGecko, I have using it to update one of my trackers.