
Data Download Failure

Closed this issue · 1 comments

│ Dataset                    │ Vendor     │ Details                │ File count │ Price │
│ Binance Crypto Price Data  │ CoinAPI    │ Data type: Quote       │ 0          │ 0 QCC │
│                            │            │ Ticker: BTC            │            │       │
│                            │            │ Resolution: Minute     │            │       │
│                            │            │ Start date: 2020-01-01 │            │       │
│                            │            │ End date: 2022-11-16   │            │       │
│ Binance Crypto Price Data  │ CoinAPI    │ Data type: Trade       │ 0          │ 0 QCC │
│                            │            │ Ticker: ETH            │            │       │
│                            │            │ Resolution: Minute     │            │       │
│                            │            │ Start date: 2020-01-01 │            │       │
│                            │            │ End date: 2022-11-16   │            │       │
│ Bitfinex Crypto Price Data │ CoinAPI    │ Data type: Trade       │ 0          │ 0 QCC │
│                            │            │ Ticker: BTC            │            │       │
│                            │            │ Resolution: Minute     │            │       │
│                            │            │ Start date: 2020-01-01 │            │       │
│                            │            │ End date: 2022-11-16   │            │       │
│ Bitcoin Metadata           │ Blockchain │ Ticker: BTC            │ 0          │ 0 QCC │
Total price: 0 QCC
Organization balance: 0 QCC
Do you want to download more data? [y/N]: N

Data Terms of Use has been signed previously.
Find full agreement at: https://www.quantconnect.com/terms/data/?organization=7f613e397b59e14ec9139b587bf70a80
CLI API Access Agreement: On 2022-11-17 12:46:52 You Agreed:
- Display or distribution of data obtained through CLI API Access is not permitted.
- Data and Third Party Data obtained via CLI API Access can only be used for individual or internal employee's use.
- Data is provided in LEAN format can not be manipulated for transmission or use in other applications.
- QuantConnect is not liable for the quality of data received and is not responsible for trading losses.

You will be charged 0 QCC from your organization's QCC balance
After downloading all files your organization will have 0 QCC left
Continue? [y/N]: y
 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0% (0/0)

Hi @HeyMrRobot

BTS and ETH are not valid tickers, hence nothing to download. Here's a working example (Windows) to download some of the data you were requesting with valid tickers:

lean data download `
    --dataset "Binance Crypto Price Data" `
    --data-type "Quote" `
    --ticker "BTCBUSD, ETHBUSD" `
    --resolution "Minute" `
    --start "20200101" `
    --end "20221116"

You can get more information on the 'Binance Crypto Price Data' dataset here and other datasets here. You will find instructions to download them using the CLI under the 'CLI' tab.