
Encrypted Projects with Collaborators

Closed this issue · 1 comments

In Cloud Platform docs, we say

Encryption isn’t available for projects that have collaborators.

but we can get around it with the cli

  1. Create a new project in QC Cloud
  2. Add a collaborator
  3. Run these commands
D:\qc\workspaces\quantconnect>lean cloud pull --project "Encryption Collab Test"
[1/1] Pulling 'Encryption Collab Test'
Successfully pulled 'Encryption Collab Test/main.py'
Successfully pulled 'Encryption Collab Test/research.ipynb'

D:\qc\workspaces\quantconnect>lean cloud push --project "Encryption Collab Test" --encrypt --key "C:\Users\derek\Desktop\encryption-file.txt"
[1/1] Pushing 'Encryption Collab Test'
Successfully updated name, files, libraries, and encryption_key for 'Encryption Collab Test'

Collaboration check added in the API side