
Error: 1 validation error for QCProject liveResults field required

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Hi team, I've been using lean for quite some time now with no problem, but now, after 2 weeks of not using it, and trying to do lean cloud backtest "Sample" --push --open as per normal (where "Sample" is the name of my strategy dir), I suddenly get this error:

Error: 1 validation error for QCProject
  field required (type=value_error.missing)

I know that the field liveResults is missing from my config, but:

  • where is my config file that I can change (what should I change it to)
  • more importantly, why did this just suddenly happen? I did not change anything, and I even reinstalled lean.

Thank you!

Hey @RyanRTJJ! The field was removed some time ago already https://github.com/QuantConnect/lean-cli/pull/306/files. Please update your lean cli to the latest version to solve this issue pip install --upgrade lean 👍.
If the issue persists please report back running the command with --verbose and sharing the complete output so we can debug it better