#Creating a Twitter Bot using Python ##September 10, 2015
If you're seeing these instructions you're already in the right place! Go ahead and click on the "Download ZIP" button in the lower left corner
Unzip the folder, and click on either windows_start.bat
or mac_osx_start.sh
depending on your platform.
Next, check that your prompt has the (env)
tag. If so you're good to go!
Now that you're into the environment. We've already gone ahead and installed both Python and Python-Twitter for you! MAGIC! Now you've got to do some work.
Make sure that you're logged into Twitter on your computer (or make an account). Then, type the following into your prompt window:
(env) bot> python get_access_token.py
Follow the instructions and type the pin code into the script after you click "Authorize App"
If you've gotten this far it's time to see if you can successfully log in with python-twitter and start writing your bot!
(env) bot> python check_authorization.py