
NevermoreEngine errors whenever I try using a module

Hoidberg opened this issue · 11 comments

Whenever I try using a module I get this error:

ReplicatedStorage.Nevermore.ModuleScriptLoader:66: Error: Library 'ScrollingFrame' does not exist

I tried reinstalling Nevermore Engine but it still didn't work

I'll take a look. What's the code that is erroring? What module are you trying to load?


I was trying to test one of the examples

Here it is:

local require = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Nevermore"))

local ScrollingFrame = require("ScrollingFrame")
local Scrollbar = require("Scrollbar")

local scrollingFrame = ScrollingFrame.new(script.Parent)

Ah. You need to have a script on the server requiring Nevermore first.


Also - there's no need to use the ScrollingFrame module anymore. Its main thing was adding inertia to the ScrollingFrame, but Roblox made that a feature of them on all platforms.

But it errors for all libraries

Did you require Nevermore on the server?

no 🤦‍♂️

It's okay, I forget to do that too sometimes. Don't let it get to you. :P


No problem. You can close it now.