
[BUG] <Fresh install - can't use the 'sign in' button>

Closed this issue · 4 comments

🤔 Current Behavior

Just installed, tried both sidequest and github. When I load either, I get into a starting room where I can choose sign in, or dev options. the Sign in button here can be highlighted, but nothing happens when you press it. tried to reload, didn't

✅ Expected Behavior

I expected to go to sign in screen (of some kind).

🥽 Headset Details

Quest Pro v59

ℹ️ Anything else?

No response

Does a message appear saying something about logging in with a code?

Also, issues like these are best taken to the Discord since more support members are active there but you can continue on GitHub.

As of right now, it looks like microsoft services are having an outage. Still trying to confirm this.

have you tried allowing microphone access, cause that suprisingly worked for me