
QC adapter for Wisper

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Wisper is a gem for providing pub/sub for Ruby objects (similar to observers). I am adding an adapter layer to allow the publishing of an event to be pluggable. The primary use case being async publishing of events.

Basically the adapter is an object which needs to implement one method broadcast(subscriber, publisher, event, args). The default adapter simply does subscriber.public_send(event, *args).

The PR for the adpater layer is here: https://github.com/krisleech/wisper/pull/74/files

An existing adapter is here:

I'm looking at the various queues to see if the adapter layer will work for most cases.

From what I can see QC works with classes not objects? Given the broadcast method gets an object do you have some pattern for getting an object that I can use?

@krisleech you can always create a wrapper class. Check out the QC adapter implementation for Active Job over on the rails/rails repository.

Since this is not a bug-report I'm going to close the issue. Feel free to use the google group for further discussion.