
Missing queue_class:install generator

skatkov opened this issue · 6 comments


  1. Add 'queue_classic' gem
  2. Bundle install
  3. run rails g queue_classic:install


Could not find generator 'queue_classic:install'. Maybe you meant 'sorcery:install', 'test_unit:system' or 'css:assets'

running rails g --help doesn't list anything related to queue_classic as well.

expect result

migration created


ruby 2.5.1p57 (2018-03-29 revision 63029) [x86_64-darwin17]
Rails 5.2.0

I've played around with this issue and found that If i downgrade pg gem from 1.0 version to 0.18 -- generators will appear.

Here is an example application that reproduces this error.

This pull request #291 resolved my issue. Would be great if it could be merged.


gem 'queue_classic', github: 'QueueClassic/queue_classic', branch: 'master'

worked for me too - maybe time for a gem release?

+1 for the Gem release! I'm wary of always pulling from master for this gem given that the current master build is reported as failing

I've been asking around on twitter from people who originally maintained this gem and it seems that it's completely abandoned.

ukd1 commented

@skatkov @ramfjord @bwlang; I'm working on QC again - gearing up for a new release. Using master like @bwlang suggested should work, plus be faster now due to #303.