
PG::ConnectionBad: invalid connection option "tty" when using libpq5 from PostgreSQL 14

Closed this issue · 4 comments

dup2 commented

We just updated a ubuntu host and with this update, libpq 14.0-1.pgdg18.04+1 from apt.postgresql.org was installed.

This triggers an error "PG::ConnectionBad: invalid connection option "tty".

It seems that the empty string provided in :normalize_db_url on line 88 (110 for newest in master) for "tty" is no longer accepted.
Instead a nil works with our initial tests.

It might be better to switch to the hash based version for the connection setup instead of the positional parameters to not have to supply default values for parameters that are not used at all.

This change has been made to PostgreSQL 14
postgres/postgres@14d9b37607ad30c384 and tty was deprecated in 2003. postgres/postgres@cb7fb3c I think we can safely remove tty option.

ukd1 commented

I saw #334 and am looking at it!

Hi! Please could the fix for this be backported to 3.x?

While we're at it, are there any estimates to how long before we see a release of 4.0.0?