
Quilt streamer appreciation

Akarys42 opened this issue · 0 comments

Relevant suggestion


We want to help push out Quilt streaming content to our users, by temporarily hosting streaming developers.


We have a few streamers in the community, periodically streaming Quilt development, whenever it is on Quilt itself or developing a Quilt mod. We want to show appreciation for those people, and help push out their content to more of our users. More details can be found in the suggestion.

We will start with Twitch for now, as our main streamer base is there. We may explore more platforms such as Youtube in the future.


After an application through ModMail, the moderators should be able to use a command to assign the "Twitch Streamer" role to a user and store their Twitch user name or user ID in permanent storage1.

Users with the role "Twitch Streamer" should be able to use the /start-stream command and get hoisted with the "Live on Twitch" role. The bot shall periodically call the Twitch API /streams endpoint to check if the user is still live. If not, the "Live on Twitch" role shall be removed.

We cannot automate giving the role at the time of writing, as the Twitch API does not support custom tags. If that would change in the future, we should be looking for the #QuiltMC tag on streams of verified streamers, and remove the need for the command.


  1. This will require updating our privacy policy