
add header links for the blog

Opened this issue · 4 comments

ix0rai commented

blog posts should have a clickable permalink button that appears when the header is hovered, just like the one on the Team Listings page.
the permalink button on the team listings page

I remember looking at it back in the days, but I just couldn't figure out why rehype-autolink-headings didn't run on the blog posts. To me, all conditions appear satisfied, the headings are indeed headings and have a unique ID each.

rehypePlugins: [[rehypeAutolinkHeadings, {
content: fromHtml('<span class="header-anchor-container icon pl-3"><i class="header-anchor fas fa-lg fa-link has-text-link is-size-5"></i></span>'),
behavior: "append"

It would also be a good time to add an "Edit on GitHub" link at the bottom like on the other pages, that shouldn't be too complicated to add to the template (it inherits from Default instead of Page). Here is how it is done:

const githubUrl = SiteConfig.fileEditBaseUrl + Astro.props.frontmatter.file.replace(cwd(), "")

<p class="subtitle is-italic is-6 has-text-weight-medium is-family-primary mt-5">
<span class="icon-text">
<span class="icon">
<i class="fas fa-pencil"></i>
<a href={githubUrl} style="color: inherit">{t("edit-on-github")}</a>

ix0rai commented

thank you for the insight! I'm not sure "edit on github" buttons are a great fit for the blog since they're not meant to be dynamic pages, they're kinda supposed to be posted once and left unchanged unless they need corrections

I feel like that might be useful for typos and such but yeah fair.

It would also be a good time to add an "Edit on GitHub" link at the bottom like on the other pages

I feel like these sorts of buttons are best for documentation sites where there's an emphasis on community contributions and additions for the site. While we obviously appreciate community contributions, I don't think that they're really a focus for the site to the point where we need a button (with the possible exception of translations, but we don't have a proper system for that yet).

Additionally, while my experience with GitHub's editor is limited, I don't think it's up for the job of handling many of the more complex pages, and the changes it makes when it doesn't know what it's doing (not respecting indentation in many cases) will just make pull requests harder to review and correct.