
Feature request: Additional contacts information

ReveredMachine opened this issue · 2 comments

It would be nice to get the additional contacts information

  1. rawContactId
  2. deletion timestamp
  3. last modified timestamp
  4. source ID for the contacts I am the owner of (belonging to my account)


  • deletion timestamps maybe with ContactsContract.DeletedContacts.CONTENT_URI, but therefore the minSdkVersion has to be upgraded to 18
  • last modification timestamp from the Contact
  • rawContactId, and source ID from the RawContact

In the IOS documentation I did not found a hint in order how to do such thing.

It would be nice to get the additional contacts information

  1. rawContactId

That's already there, if you call getContact() or getContacts(withProperties: true). You can find raw IDs in contact.accounts[i].rawId.

  1. deletion timestamp
  2. last modified timestamp

Interesting, I didn't know about those fields. To be honest I probably won't get to it anytime soon as it's very Android-specific. But feel free to open a pull request if you got it working :)

  1. source ID for the contacts I am the owner of (belonging to my account)

What's a source ID? Is it different from account type and account name?

With the source ID (available at the androids raw contact) you can map a contact on the mobile device with a contact on the server side.