
announce "this project is not maintained anymore"

mattqs opened this issue ยท 15 comments

Component is not maintained anymore.

I use this library in my own project. The last version that works with my project is 1.0.2.

Was this project just recently deprecated? It appears this issue was just opened and I just recently started using it on my project

Looking for someone who has the resources to write/maintain an alternative.

Is there any alternative? The IBM implementation does not support client certificates :| Is there any way to use socket.IO in .Net (C# or C++) with client side certificates? :|

xzycn commented

Maybe this one pointed out in official README.

Maybe this one pointed out in official README.

No, it does not has certificate support :|

I know this is being deprecated, but I really enjoy using for it many projects.
I have one issue with connecting to a namespaces. I'm connecting to a very simple node server and namespaces works from other clients, but not from this.
My code is:

IO.Options op = new IO.Options { ForceNew = true, AutoConnect = false, Reconnection = false, ReconnectionDelay = 500, ReconnectionAttempts = 3, Secure = false, Upgrade = true }; Uri uri = new Uri(address); Manager manager = new Manager(uri, op); socket = manager.Socket("/example"); socket.Open();

It connects to root but is never lifted to the specified namespace. I tried everything for two days. Is this is a know bug then I'll stop trying

@kissworks ,

Did you find a solution for this particular issue?

@kissworks @pranathlcp
Use Socket.IO server version 1.7.4.
Any version below 2 should work.

  "dependencies": {
    "socket.io": "1.7.4"

seems this repo can work!

I have tried on 2020/02/12. It work! ๐Ÿ˜€

I switched over to the following repo. Appears to be working perfect using socket.io 2.3.0


I also created new C# client for the latest socket.io version here:


I try to use it, but have some problems : get Net.WebException on connect

the version is 0.9.13 from Nuget( not 1.74?).
Visual studio 2017 Net Framework 4.7.

My code :

       var options = CreateOptions();
        socket = IO.Socket(textBox1.Text, options);
       socket.On(Socket.EVENT_CONNECT, () =>

        socket.On(Socket.EVENT_CONNECT_ERROR, (data) =>
            (data) =>

           (data) =>

        socket.On(Socket.EVENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, () =>
        //    socket.Connect();

What is wrong?

i found New Socket.IO library

@kissworks @pranathlcp
Use Socket.IO server version 1.7.4.
Any version below 2 should work.

  "dependencies": {
    "socket.io": "1.7.4"

many thanks, it work :D