
Feature Request: Nested search, Create group, Replace, Delete

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19msb commented

Feature Requested

  • Nested Search
  • Manipulate results
    • Create group
    • Replace
    • Delete

Nested search

The image below provides a visualisation of the 'nested search' functionality

  • (1) search all global items (already a function)
  • (2) zoom to fit the resulting items, unless (4.a)
  • (3) iteratively shift focus to individual occurrences of
    • (3.a) global search results (already a function)
    • (3.b) group search results
    • (3.c) item search results
  • (4) create a new search term for the group of items resulting from the above
    • (3.a) repeat (3) until their is 1 resulting item
  • (5) create a new search term for an item, as in a Feature request by javiavid
    • (5.a) handle occurrences that are out of view if they do not fit within the item dimensions
      • (5.a.i) autoscroll to each item when iterating through occurrences
      • (5.a.ii) allow user to toggle 'auto-expand + zoom to fit', but restore item's original dimensions + location and proceed with (4.a.i) when iterating through each occurence

Manipulate results

Create group of resulting cards

Excludes within-item search results

  • (1) Manual card groups: create a card group out the results from a global / group search.
  • (2) Automatic card groups
    • (2.a) This would require saving the string of nested search terms leading to the group's selection.
    • (2.b) Assess cards each time they are added or modified to see if they fit within the group
    • (2.c) Automatically add card to the group.
    • (2.d) Automatic group could be established before relevant cards even exist


  • (1.a) micro: choose which to replace when iterating through results
  • (1.b) macro: replace all results


  • (1.a) micro: choose which to delete when iterating through results
  • (1.b) macro: delete all results


  • The feature would be useful to more users than just me.