
Feature Request: Save Thinos to different locations based on tags

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Feature Requested | 请求的功能

I use to have my Daily Notes structured into different Sections like "Work Tasks", "Knowledge Articles & Links", "Today's Todos & Happenings" (for general info and tasks like chores or simply things that happen throughout the day). It would be nice to have Thino save new thinos to the Section (Heading) they are supposed to be in.

For instance:

- Forgot Beanie somewhere   --> save to ### Happenings Today
- Read up on new Next.js update #Knowledge/Nextjs    --> save to ## Reading List
- [ ] Check Server Logs #todo #work     --> save to ## Work ### ToDO
- [ ] 11:00 - 12:00 Doctors appointment    ---> Save to ## Schedule

Or is there already a way to achieve this? It would defeat the purpose of using the plugin if i'd have to move and sort them afterwards myself.

I am pretty sure this could be useful addition to thino.

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  • The feature would be useful to more users than just me. 该功能对于不仅仅是我自己的用户来说是有用的。