
[✨] Throw server$ errors with a specific status code

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Is your feature request related to a problem?

Currently all server$ errors return an HTTP 500 error which can't be configured per request.

Describe the solution you'd like

I'd like to be able to throw a custom error which includes a status code.

Option A:

import { ServerError } from `@builder.io/qwik-city`

const myFunc = server$(() => {
  throw new ServerError(404, { /** Some response data */ })

Option B:

const myFunc = server$(() => {
  throw this.error(404, { /** Some response data */ })

Describe alternatives you've considered

Currently the choices are:

  • Return 200 with a union type for both a successful and unsuccessful response
  • Throw an error that is always a 500

Additional context

No response

I like it and prefer option A

ok I have it here. but you have to make sure you know how to detect the error from the response object json

this will only work for any status that fails res.ok and not 500 status

const myFunc = server$(() => {
  if (throwing) {
    throw new ServerError(404, { error: true, data: {} })
  return { error: false, data: {}}

const data = await myFunc()
if (data.error) {

this pattern should be way better

const myFunc = server$(() => {
  if (throwing) {
    const errorData = {};
    throw new ServerError(404, [ errorData ])
  const data = {};
  return [null, data]

const [err, data] = await myFunc()
if (err) {

Amazing, thank you @PatrickJS !

you have to import from import { ServerError } from "@builder.io/qwik-city/middleware/request-handler"; in the next release