
[✨] Create a unique file name for each version of service-worker.js

DustinJSilk opened this issue · 16 comments

Is your feature request related to a problem?

The service-worker.js file includes a list of bundles to prefetch. If the service-worker.js file is cached by the browser or a CDN, the user may receive an outdated list of files to prefetch resulting in a large amount of unnecessary network requests which may return 404 or it could prefetch unused files. It also means that the correct files arent being prefetched which reduces performance.

Describe the solution you'd like

Create a unique file name for each service-worker.js file so that if a new version is released, the service worker setup will install the new version.

Describe alternatives you've considered

We could ensure we return a Cache-Control header with the service-worker.js file so that it isnt cached by browsers or CDNs, but then the page will always download a new copy even when it isnt needed.

Additional context

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This seems related to #6302 and also some of the issues here #3777.

Where are you deploying your qwik app? Aws, cloudflare, vercel, gcp, other?

Cloud Run on GCP. I have a CDN in place that caches all static files.

service-worker.js spec ignores caching policy for this reason. We have another version of service-worker for MFE that we haven't documented by should be more agnostic so won't require updating

I see, it looks like the below adds a Cache-Control header to the service-worker.js, which causes it to cache in the CDN which means it doesnt update in the browser until the CDN entry expires.

const { router, notFound, staticFile } = createQwikCity({
  // ...
  static: {
    cacheControl: 'public, max-age=31557600',

yeah, the cdn might be caching it but the browser won't follow the cache spec. on your cdn you can add a setting to ignore caching the service-worker.js or clear the cache for it on deploys

Unfortunately GCP CDN doesn't allow you to ignore a specific file, i'd need to either invalidate the entry with each deploy or remove the Cache-Control header from the service-worker.js file somehow.


Looks like i can bypass the CDN if i add a custom header to the service-worker.js file, that should be the easiest solution on GCP

^ actually thats not possible in hindsight

@DustinJSilk ok @thejackshelton is making an example app but it should be as easy as
<ServiceWorkerRegister />

<PrefetchServiceWorker />

in your root.tsx

Ok great! It looks like this will embed the symbol files in the HTML and pass it through to the service worker to then be prefetched.

Are there any draw backs in performance to using this approach as opposed to the regular service worker when it isnt cached by the CDN?

Thanks for your time!

no drawbacks 👍 this is the new way to do it which will also works for microfrontends

ok one thing about this (we need to fix) is that base is set to /build/ so assuming you didn't set base in your ssr.entry.tsx file then it should be fine. if it's different then you have to set the new value in the component

ok cool, i'll get this setup and test it out on my staging environment today

Ah actually, the PrefetchServiceWorker doesnt support a nonce property like the ServiceWorkerRegister component.

yeah we need to add that

@DustinJSilk if you need a fix right away before the next release you can do this in entry.ssr.tsx for any scripts you need. the performance during ssr won't be as great so there are trade-offs until we add nonce support


^ fix the typo in my screenshot

Im closing this issue since it is solved by the fact that the service worker spec doesn't cache service worker files in the browser and the PrefetchServiceWorker doesn't change with each build so it is safe to cache in a CDN.

The only thing to note is that future changes to the PrefetchServiceWorker might require some users to evict their prefetch-service-worker.js file from their CDN to reflect changes