
Need help in installation

Opened this issue · 13 comments

@Qwizi i tried configuring the discord bot with all the required information but it doesn't seem working.

Would be really helpful if you can mention detailed steps required for making this work.

Eg. Bot permission, Discord commands etc.


Hey, can u send your docker-compose.yml with env variables (without discord/steam/db secrets!) and show logs from bot and backend server?
For backend server

docker compose logs app

For bot

docker compose logs bot

As for the documentation, I am in the process of creating it

Hey, can u send your docker-compose.yml with env variables (without discord/steam/db secrets!) and show logs from bot and backend server? For backend server

docker compose logs app

For bot

docker compose logs bot

As for the documentation, I am in the process of creating it


Hi @xe1os,
I'm sorry for the delay in responding. But today I wrote a script thanks to which you can easily install the bot. To do this, you just need to enter one command.

curl -fsSL https://bit.ly/4bwkJne | bash -s http://localhost:8000 steam_api_key discord_client_id discord_client_secret discord_bot_token

And you only need to replace the given values ​​like http://localhost:8000, steam_api_key, etc
http://localhost:8000 replace to your domain with port 8000!

Hi @xe1os, I'm sorry for the delay in responding. But today I wrote a script thanks to which you can easily install the bot. To do this, you just need to enter one command.

curl -fsSL https://bit.ly/4bwkJne | bash -s http://localhost:8000 steam_api_key discord_client_id discord_client_secret discord_bot_token

And you only need to replace the given values ​​like http://localhost:8000, steam_api_key, etc http://localhost:8000 replace to your domain with port 8000!

@Qwizi Thanks for this script. This has ease the installation process :)

How and where to mention the cs2 server details in this script for players to connect? Tried checking in auto generated .env file but it doesn't show the server details.

Also i was getting error using /match configure in discord. I believe even defining Lobby and Team channel ID's are also missing in the script.


For match configure issue i think u must kick the bot and invinite again. U must check logs. And for now server can be added in admin panel.

@Qwizi sharing you the bot logs


This mean bot cannot make api request to http://localhost:8000 u use bot on localhost or public available server (vps etc)?

This mean bot cannot make api request to http://localhost:8000 u use bot on localhost or public available server (vps etc)?

I was testing on localhost. Let me try on a public server or VPS

If u wanna try on public vps u need pass First argument in instalation script to your domain / ip with open port 8000.

If u wanna try on public vps u need pass First argument in instalation script to your domain / ip with open port 8000.

@Qwizi tried with domain on vps server. I'm able to access the admin panel using domain name.

But it is still showing the same error in logs.

env variable API_URL in env file is set to your domain?

env variable API_URL in env file is set to your domain?

Yes it has been set.

And after u rebuild contaiers, still the same error?