
Errors occur when building jigsaw branch

ohofox opened this issue · 0 comments

ohofox commented

Thanks for your awesome work.
When I checkout the jigsaw branch and execute ./build/build.sh, errors related inkwell::builder occur.
It may caused by the wrong version of inkwell.
Thanks a lot for your help!

error[E0308]: mismatched types
    --> fuzzer/src/jit.rs:70:42
70   |         let mut ret = builder.build_load(idx, "argidx").into_int_value();
     |                               ---------- ^^^ expected `PointerValue<'_>`, found `Result<PointerValue<'_>, ...>`
     |                               |
     |                               arguments to this method are incorrect
     = note: expected struct `inkwell::values::PointerValue<'_>`
                  found enum `Result<inkwell::values::PointerValue<'_>, BuilderError>`
note: method defined here
    --> /root/.cargo/git/checkouts/inkwell-946411d814d2c9f8/7a09ad8/src/builder.rs:1370:12
1370 |     pub fn build_load(&self, ptr: PointerValue<'ctx>, name: &str) -> Result<BasicValueEnum<'ctx>, BuilderError> {
     |            ^^^^^^^^^^

error[E0599]: no method named `into_int_value` found for enum `Result` in the current scope
   --> fuzzer/src/jit.rs:70:57
70  |         let mut ret = builder.build_load(idx, "argidx").into_int_value();
    |                                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ method not found in `Result<BasicValueEnum<'_>, BuilderError>`
note: the method `into_int_value` exists on the type `BasicValueEnum<'_>`
   --> /root/.cargo/git/checkouts/inkwell-946411d814d2c9f8/7a09ad8/src/values/enums.rs:282:5
282 |     pub fn into_int_value(self) -> IntValue<'ctx> {
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: consider using `Result::expect` to unwrap the `BasicValueEnum<'_>` value, panicking if the value is a `Result::Err`
70  |         let mut ret = builder.build_load(idx, "argidx").expect("REASON").into_int_value();
    |                                                        +++++++++++++++++

error[E0308]: mismatched types
    --> fuzzer/src/jit.rs:79:42