
Not all lines are included in the localization file

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Describe the bug
Not all lines are included in the localization file

Mod Version

  • Standard
  • Numeric Version:
  1. name="{=!}Bread{@Plural}loathes of bread{\@}"

  2. <duchy name="{=kS1GtIuD}Sargotha" deJure="lord_4_1" fullName="{=!}Royal Domain">

  3. <WorkshopType id="weaponsmithy" name="{=!}Weaponsmithy" equipment_cost="3000" frequency="1" jobname="{=!}Weaponsmith"
    description="{=!}We supply the town with weapons, from the cheapest to the finest. Though common smithies also produce weapons, they don't match us in quality and speed.">

  4. <WorkshopType id="armorsmithy" name="{=!}Armorsmithy" equipment_cost="3000" frequency="1" jobname="{=!}Armorsmith"
    description="{=!}We provide the finest protection. Everything from a draftee's paddings to a lord's lamellar. No other smithies can beat us in speed and quality.">

  5. <WorkshopType id="barding-smithy" name="{=!}Bardingsmithy" equipment_cost="3000" frequency="1" jobname="{=!}Lorimer"
    description="{=!}We make saddles and bardings. Nobles demand protection for their expensive war horses, protection that takes a lot of material and skill to make - that's what we do.">

  6. <WorkshopType id="fletcher" name="{=!}Fletcher Workshop" frequency="2" equipment_cost="2000" jobname="{=!}Fletcher"
    description="{=!}We make the deadliest arrows, bolts, and the most accurate bows and crossbows. Other woodworkers may fancy themselves fletchers, but none make bows better or faster than us.">

  7. <WorkshopType id="bakery" name="{=!}Bakery" equipment_cost="6000" frequency="1" jobname="{=!}Baker"
    description="{=!}We grind grains into flour, enrich and bake it into bread. Folks all over the continent value bread as part of their diet. We also make pies of all kinds, for all tastes.">

  8. <WorkshopType id="butcher" name="{=!}Butcher's Workshop" equipment_cost="2000" frequency="1" jobname="{=!}Butcher"
    description="{=!}We butcher all sorts of animals, for their meat and hides. Unlike unskilled folks, we make the most of the animal, while giving it a clean death.">

  9. <WorkshopType id="mines" name="{=!}Mining Enterprise" equipment_cost="1500" frequency="1" jobname="{=!}Miner"

  10. <WorkshopType id="meadery" name="{=!}Meadery" equipment_cost="3000" frequency="1" jobname="{=!}Meadmaker"
    description="{=!}We dillute and ferment honey in water, making it into a sweet drink. Some folks prefer it over normal beer.">

  11. public override TextObject TitleText => new("Over Demesne Limit");

  12. all file https://github.com/R-Vaccari/bannerlord-banner-kings/blob/main/BannerKings/_Module/ModuleData/concept_strings.xml

  13. https://github.com/R-Vaccari/bannerlord-banner-kings/blob/main/BannerKings/_Module/ModuleData/Characters/bandits.xml
    all NPCCharacter name

  14. https://github.com/R-Vaccari/bannerlord-banner-kings/blob/main/BannerKings/_Module/ModuleData/Characters/civillians.xml
    all NPCCharacter name

  1. settlementResult.Add(MBMath.ClampFloat(GetNoblesInfluence(data, nobles), 0f, 20f), new TextObject($"{{=!}}Nobles influence from {settlement.Name}"));
  2. new TextObject("{=!}{?PLAYER.GENDER}My lady{?}My lord{\\?}, a feast to honor Pérkos would be a wise choice. Call in all our siblings of the forest so we may honor the Gods on the sacred canopy!"));