
Correct Port for speedtest.sao1.edgoo.net

jvarruda opened this issue · 2 comments

From what I tested looks like this server is listening on port 5201 only.
Maybe you can consider adjusting the information.


Tested a few...
Port-range should be 5201, 9204-9240

root@dev:~# ./scan.sh speedtest.sao1.edgoo.net
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-12-12 23:34 CET
Nmap scan report for speedtest.sao1.edgoo.net (
Host is up (0.18s latency).
Other addresses for speedtest.sao1.edgoo.net (not scanned): 2001:b18:1018:210::8f:629d
Not shown: 963 closed ports
5060/tcp open  sip
5201/tcp open  targus-getdata1
9204/tcp open  wap-vcard
9205/tcp open  wap-vcal
9206/tcp open  wap-vcard-s
9207/tcp open  wap-vcal-s
9208/tcp open  rjcdb-vcards
9209/tcp open  almobile-system
9210/tcp open  oma-mlp
9211/tcp open  oma-mlp-s
9212/tcp open  serverviewdbms
9213/tcp open  serverstart
9214/tcp open  ipdcesgbs
9215/tcp open  insis
9216/tcp open  acme
9217/tcp open  fsc-port
9218/tcp open  unknown
9219/tcp open  unknown
9220/tcp open  unknown
9221/tcp open  unknown
9222/tcp open  teamcoherence
9223/tcp open  unknown
9224/tcp open  unknown
9225/tcp open  unknown
9226/tcp open  unknown
9227/tcp open  unknown
9228/tcp open  unknown
9229/tcp open  unknown
9230/tcp open  unknown
9231/tcp open  unknown
9232/tcp open  unknown
9233/tcp open  unknown
9234/tcp open  unknown
9235/tcp open  unknown
9236/tcp open  unknown
9237/tcp open  unknown
9238/tcp open  unknown
9239/tcp open  unknown
9240/tcp open  unknown

Commit: 0750466
Thanks @jvarruda