
ERROR : Query has no results to return

Opened this issue · 4 comments

This is the last version 0.9.2, my colleague has the same configuration and does not crash.

An error occured! DISMISS
Status: ERROR
Query has no results to return
Raw data:
""Error: Query has no results to return\n\tat c:\\Program Files\\Azure Data Studio\\resources\\app\\extensions\\mssql\\dist\\main.js:2:682779\n\tat c:\\Program Files\\Azure Data Studio\\resources\\app\\extensions\\mssql\\dist\\main.js:2:683073\n\tat Immediate. (c:\\Program Files\\Azure Data Studio\\resources\\app\\extensions\\mssql\\dist\\main.js:2:683434)\n\tat process.processImmediate (node:internal/timers:476:21)""

I have the same issue. I was wondering if it may be insufficient rights in the schema

I have the same issue in versions 0.9.0 through 0.9.2.
It works fine if I install version 0.8.5.

I do not believe it is a permissions issue, I have sysadmin role. I tried using it on SQL Server 2016 sp2 (13.0.5108.50) developer edition and SQL Server 2016 sp3 (13.0.6300.2) standard edition.

I also had this issue on latest release 0.9.1
I downgraded to 0.8.5 and it works

im also have the same issue with last release 0.9.2
as kbradl16 said, version 0.8.5 working fine