
Add instructions on setting up CI for auto-uploading mods to Thunderstore

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While not only making a modders live easier once in place, auto-uploading to Thunderstore could also become a requirement for getting your mod "verified" to allow for auto-downloading mod when joining a server that requires it.

How we currently do it with Northstar release package could server as inspiration for sample CI:


For testing any CI implementation, there's https://thunderstore.dev/ for test pushes etc.

I suppose we also want Northstar mods repositories to be public?

I suppose we also want Northstar mods repositories to be public?

You mean the repository of some mod for Northstar? Yeah, those should also be public of course in order to get "verified".

I can write up the docs for both soon, I'm going to be busy this weekend but I'll work on it when I get a chance