
Mod Settings Suggestion - Button Input Setting

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Sorry if this idea has already been considered or anything, I looked around a bit to find planned/considered features and couldn't find this

Pretty much it would just be really nice to give mod users the option to configure buttons for mod-specific button inputs through the mod settings menu, and I thought it might be a simple idea if there was a setting added, something like AddConVarSettingButton(), which in the mod actual settings menu let you select the button for the setting, gave a prompt like "press any key/button" (like how most games let you edit their controls, including TF2 in the vanilla menus) and then when you pressed a button, returned the button pressed to the variable in text form, like KEY_A or BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT etc. maybe it should also display the button currently applied to that setting, although for controller support that might be difficult if you need to show images, and for the right controller type, which might change, etc. Maybe it would be good enough to just show as selected the text form for controller buttons (maybe with the front chopped off, since they all start with "button": DPAD_RIGHT)

Why? Mods can simply add to kb_act.lst to add new settings to the existing keybind menu. In fact, Northstar already does this

tbh it is annoying to have to switch between the mod settings menu and the keybinds menu to change settings for the same mod