
Map-specific spectator mode bug in LTS

Opened this issue · 1 comments

There is a problem with spectator mode in LTS, the thing from before (being stuck beneath the map being able to look around freely, unable to move, with no spectator UI) got solved by initializing spectator mode on all spectating players on entering the prematch gamestate, however the issue persists on 2 maps (so far): Angel City and Colony. From what I was able to gather, spectator mode is initialized correctly, as it worked properly when I added a custom static spec cam. This would mean that for some reason the default static spectator cams are not initialized/loaded in on those specific maps, and due to lack of available targets, spectator mode defaults to that behaviour. This is however contradicted by another thing: When I loaded into angel city in LTS as a normal player and initialized spectator mode for myself, I had a static spec cam available (only one). Does anyone have any idea why this could be happening? This could be solved by adding a dummy static spec cam, but getting to the bottom of this would be more... proper. So if you have any ideas, please share them!

Previous issue, the effect looks pretty much the same as in that screenshot:

Also, this happened twice in a tournament yesterday, relevant stream VOD:
at about 40 minutes and later on during the finals