
Script error

Opened this issue · 3 comments

[21:08:46] [SCRIPT SV] [info] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Entity class "CCrossbowBolt" doesn't match required class for this index or function call
[21:08:46] [SCRIPT SV] [info]  -> array<entity> weapons = attacker.GetMainWeapons()
[21:08:46] [SCRIPT SV] [info] 
*FUNCTION [MeteorThermite_DamagedTarget()] weapons/mp_titanweapon_meteor.nut line [114]
*FUNCTION [CodeCallback_DamagePlayerOrNPC()] mp/_codecallbacks.gnut line [276]

[21:08:46] [SCRIPT SV] [info] LOCALS
[attacker] ENTITY (crossbow_bolt [1016] at <7842.53 -6291.02 2422.38>)
[damageInfo] INSTANCE
[target] ENTITY (player anthougil [2] (player "anthougil" at <7806.4 -6243.04 2409.99>))
[this] TABLE
[callbackFunc] CLOSURE
[@INDEX@] 0
[damageSourceId] 40
[damageMultiplier] 1
[attackerIsNPC] false
[attackerIsTitan] false
[attackerIsPlayer] false
[inflictor] ENTITY (crossbow_bolt [1016] at <7842.53 -6291.02 2422.38>)
[attacker] ENTITY (crossbow_bolt [1016] at <7842.53 -6291.02 2422.38>)
[entIsNPC] false
[entIsTitan] true
[entIsPlayer] true
[damageInfo] INSTANCE
[ent] ENTITY (player anthougil [2] (player "anthougil" at <7806.4 -6243.04 2409.99>))
[this] TABLE


This is a weapon error, i fail to see where it is related to Frontier Defense.

@liveskai as @Zanieon pointed out this error is unrelated to FD. It did not happen in any Frontier Defense related scripts but in weapons/mp_titanweapon_meteor.nut as indicated by the logs you posted.
Just because a script error happened while playing Frontier Defense does not necessarily mean that it was caused by script related to FD.

Please only ping Zanieon if you are completely certain and have checked that the error is in Frontier Defense related scripts.
If you're not certain you are of course still free to make an issue but in this case please do not ping Zanieon as he primarily focuses on FD related things.

Thanks <3