
Mock analysis of Movie Data ~ Moringa

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Mock Analysis of Movie Data for Microsoft ~ Moringa AUTHOR: Joshua Rwanda


Microsoft is looking to break into the home entertainment industry. An industry made up of some of the biggest tech companies. To have a competitive advantage, it is wise of them to leverage the tools of data analysis to get insight into common trends in the industry. As an analyst my responsibility is to provide an analysis of data obtained from different sources on the web to paint a picture of the state of the industry and determine where best to invest limited monetary and time resources.

Business Problem

There are many different ways of classifying movies. Even more metrics for measuring a businesses success. This analysis takes a look at some of these metrics and classifications to identify trends and patterns that can be used by my client, Microsoft, to allocate resources in their endeavor. These metrics include but are not limited to:

  1. Genre
  2. Rating
  3. Gross


The data used in this analysis was obtained from various sources on the web. Such as the popular movie review site IMDB


This analysis uses Descriptive analysis to show trends and patterns.


Findings are documented in the presentation file included in this repository. They include a charts of the most popular classifications of movies and trends in ratings.

Conclusion and Next Steps.

There are 3 concrete business findings documented in the analysis. They can also be viewed from the presentation file.
The Data used contains a lot of other useful information that can be explored further to yield deeper insight into the industry.