

AJoKeRK opened this issue · 7 comments

when is the next update coming ? cause there is an issue with the skin changer :
failed to find pattern 48 8b 0d

when is the next update coming ? cause there is an issue with the skin changer : failed to find pattern 48 8b 0d

Same bro same and again

let's hope they make it today cause whenever there is a new patch they need to make new one thats why

yea i fell into that same problem 48 8b 0d, any update so far if they fixing it ?

they will release a new version for patch 14.6 be patient

my champions do no dmg without the skins

my champions do no dmg without the skins

It not true when you said do no dmg without the skins because it just a skin it not affect the gameplay. In game only you can see you use R3nzSkin.

nah, don't be so serious about it, just joking

Tencent servers have not been tested yet