
Tutorial : How to change offsets by yourself

FeriStudent opened this issue · 11 comments

So let's first assume that change is always the same and you do not need to go 'advanced' mode to check errors - what actually went wrong.

So we will assume only : characterdatastack_update : changed in the new patch.

Alright. First thing you have to do if you are not a master in finding out what are new offesets. You will go on :


And politely ask someone for characterdatastack_update.

DO NOT SPAM ... if a fellow cutie from this git already asked ... wait patiently. No you are not POTUS so just wait.

Usually they will respond like here :


Then if you have project on your disk - you can go straight to it - if not download it .zip


Unzip it. Go into the folder and run .sln (you need visual studio ... grab free one or **** one? if you are a student you can have it for free for sure)


Run .sln file ...

When inside change this at top :


At the right find memory.cpp


Go find offset you want to change


When you did that ...

On the right side click right button -> select build (look at picture)


Now go back to the folder and open Release folder. Inside you will have a fresh .dll file named : R3nzSkin.dll

Copy it to your ATM .exe spot and replace the old .dll with a new one.

That's it ... now you know.

But as said. This is crashing for me ... I do not have time to sink into this to check what (also) got changed ...

I hope this helps. Admin pin it <3

thank you very much!

Hi @FeriStudent I would like to inform you that changing only datastack_update works for me. maybe you can try recompiling it? did you recompile in x86 release? if didnt work, try adding this into GetGoldRedirect as a new offset line
E8 ? ? ? ? 8B F0 3B DE 0F 84

Tried all really. It's crashing.

Tried all really. It's crashing.

Is this method working? Will the skinchanger work?


See if this works


See if this works

doesn't work either for me

See if this works

doesn't work either for me

dang maybe the offsets are different for NA. the poster did mention the offsets are for euw. but idk

It's working now check the main topic please - this is more for tutorial how to change offsets yourself :)


See if this works

EUW works!
thanks you all!

With this method, can you continue updating the offsets in future updates? And another question with only updating characterdatastack_update would it be there?


See if this works

cant download!