
restaurant chat-boat help to manage there customer

Primary LanguagePython

Chatboat:- A Chatbot, also called an Artificial chat agent, is a software program driven by machine learning algorithms that aim at simulating a human-human like conversation with a user by either taking input as text or speech from the user. Chatbots have extensive usage, and we can not expound on all the possibilities where it can be of use. But basically, you'll find them in: Help desks, customer support, booking services, and providing 24-7 real-time chat with clients.

Chatboat and there uses:-

Rule-Based approach - Here the bot is trained based on some set rules. It is from these rules that the bot can process simple queries but can fail to process complex ones.

Self-Learning approach - Here the bot uses some machine learning algorithms and techniques to chat. It is further subcategorized into two:

Retrieval-Based models - In this model, the bot retrieves the best response from a list depending on the user input.

Generative models - This model comes up with an answer rather than searching from a given list. These are the Intelligent Bots. In this chatbot, we will use the rule-based approach.

Here we used Rule based approch to the chatboat:-

imporotent term used in text data

Natural Language Processing(nltk) - This is a subfield of linguistics, computer science, information engineering, and artificial intelligence concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages.

Tokenization - Tokens are individual words and “tokenization” is taking a text or set of text and breaking it up into its individual words or sentences.

Bag of Words - This is an NLP technique of text modeling for representing text data for machine learning algorithms. It is a way of extracting features from the text for use in machine learning algorithms.

The Project: Using Recurrent Neural Networks to build a Chatbot

