
Incorrect property by restriction on scalar measurement datums

Closed this issue · 3 comments

You use the property http://vivoweb.org/ontology/core#hasValue by the classes : DegreeOfSexualization and WeightedSexScore. But based on the article I believe it should be the obo:IAO_0000004 "has measurement value" property.

The problem is that 'has measurement value' has xsd:float as range. Thus, I cannot use this property for the weighted sex scores - they are by definition integers (-6; -4; -2; -1; 0; 1; 2; 4; 6). That is why I decided to use 'has value' because I can define its range as I need it. We should discuss this in our next project meeting.

This is the presentation file that we discussed in the project meeting today:


We agreed, for now, to use the existing subclasses of obo:IAO_0000109 ('Measurement datum'): obo:IAO_0000032 ('Scalar measurement datum') and obo:OBI_0000938 ('Categorical measurement datum'). @MasterChief13 will include a list of caveats in the documentation of his extensions, including the need for implementation of additional levels of measurement in the RDFBones core ontology.

I have opened the RDFBones issue #108 to record implementation of levels of measurement as a feature request for the future development of the RDFBones core ontology.