
Create Mock for Initial Bulk Ingest

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For the initial onboarding process, the ULI System needs to do bulk matching against the data set provided and find the following:

  • Potential duplicates within the provider's own data set
    The goal is to create a rough, lightweight UI to show all items that are being processed in bulk format and their outcomes. This is for testing only, so that orgs can run the scoring algorithm on their data set and see how the matching works.

When a new system is being onboarded, we want them to de-duplicate their own data first before trying to match existing bad records against the larger set (in the long run we probably want the same sanity check for live, inbound streaming records).

We probably want to add a "Upload Roster" button in CSV to the page to make it easier for them to work with the system during initial testing. We'll want to check that the CSV they provided matches the schema of the template file.

This page would show all Assigned ULIs, Suggested ULIs, and ones that were still processing in a simple view.

Existing comps can be found here:

  • Potential duplicates across other data sets
    We'll deal with this in another issue, but we may want to allow providers to see potential matches against other data sets as well on this "bulk import" screen (this would normally be handled on the other matching screens in the Sample UI).
    TODO: create separate issue for this.