
ftp.pbone.net issues installing OpenStack packages

ipilcher opened this issue · 4 comments

Seeing a lot of errors like:

fatal: [node20]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to download packages: python3-pyyaml-5.3-2.el8.x86_64: Cannot download, all mirrors were already tried without success", "results": []}

/etc/yum.repos.d/openstack-victoria.repo references ftp.pbone.net directly, rather than through a mirror list. That repo file isn't owned by any RPM, so I'm guessing that the playbooks are simply creating it. CentOS Stream 8 does have a centos-release-openstack-victoria package available in its extras repo, which does use a mirror list. Could we use that?

The issue there is that metalinks-provided mirror lists are not distro-independant ... What would work for Centos Streams wont work for RHEL and Rocky whereas manually pointing to that centos streams repo works on all rhel-based distros. As I would very much like to avoid having to have per-OS definitions (also due to the fact that Ansible doesn't really make a difference between Centos and RHEL, and soon should also recognize Rocky as a RHEL-based distro, making it a nightmare to identify and fork code based on rhel flavors)
Any ideas are welcome there ...

You probably can't just dnf install centos-release-openstack-victoria, but the repo file from that package includes the following repo:

name=CentOS-$releasever - OpenStack victoria

It looks to me like that mirrorlist URL ought to work on any EL8 OS, as the only variable it contains is $basearch (and you could always hardcode x86_64).

FYI, I just tested this by replacing the baseurl line in playbooks/roles/base_software/files/openstack-victoria.repo with the mirrorlist line from above. Worked just fine on CentOS Stream 8 in the lab.

applied that fix to the latest version of the base_software role now (0.0.5) , please update roles if you're having this issue :)